16 April 2010

Perbedaan Surety Bond dan Asuransi

Surety Bond :
1. nature of contract : indemnity and guarantee
2. number of contract : contract work, surety bond, indemnity agreement
3. parties involved : surety coy, obligee, principal
4. basis of premium : service charges
5. premium / beneficiary : principal pays, beneficiary is obligee
6. effective : upon acceptance by the obligee
7. cancellation : by obligee or order of court

asuransi :
1. nature of contract : indemnity only
2. number of contract : insurance policy
3. parties involved : insured and insurer
4. basis of premium : insurance premium
5. premium / beneficiary : insured pays, beneficiary is the insured
6. effective : upon payment of premium
7. cancellation : by insured or insurer

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